Voyager au Sri Lanka

A month after the tragic events of recent weeks, many of you are wondering how life is going on in Sri Lanka.We explain our experiences and our feelings on the ground.

An immediate impact on Sri Lankan local life

As a result of these events, schools and many businesses closed, traffic slowed down considerably and the streets were emptied. Many travelers have canceled their stays.While last December Sri Lanka was elected the destination of the year 2019, the month of April was devastating for the tourism industry.The hotels are paying the price and are the first affected. Booking cancellations have tripled and hotels have been fired, at least temporarily, some of their employees or closed for several months. Tourism has been seriously affected!We also see the effects since a dozen stays were canceled when we had just reached our best sales last February. Many of our drivers also find themselves without a circuit to accompany and therefore without a job.It is also sad to note that usually busy places are not very animated! We saw this last week when we went to Arugam Bay on the east coast of Sri Lanka. As the season started, the beaches were almost empty, very few surfers on the waves and bars, usually lively, were quiet. Yet it is the seaside resort of surf fans, it attracts from April to October surfers from around the world …And despite that we feel safe, all the restaurants are open, we could take full advantage of all activities to do on site. We also met some European tourists including a family who takes full advantage of his stay in Sri Lanka and does not regret coming.


Increased security throughout the country


Circulating ourselves across the country for professional or personal reasons, we see all the means put in place to secure the countrmorenation is even more secure since many checks are systematically made in train stations, bus, in tourist and religious places or in populated streets.Identity checks and random checks of vehicles are regularly carried out.As a general rule, these controls do not concern tourist vehicles to allow travelers to freely visit the country and not to slow down their stays.At the airport the security system is also reinforced, only travelers can enter or leave the airport, taxis are parked outside, and visitors must wait at the side of taxis.On our side, we adapted our circuits taking into account the events, we favor the quieter places by always answering your request and your needs. Your safety and well-being remain our priority!


An atmosphere in the image of Sri Lankans: positive!


Regarding the general atmosphere of the country and the atmosphere, everyone remains affected by this tragic event but today life has resumed in Sri Lanka, shops have reopened, schools have reopened their classes and the inhabitants go back to the rhythm of the tuk tuk.Locals, expatriates and even travelers, we are all worried about when tourism will be resumed. While keeping in mind what happened, life continues and must continue because, you will have understood beyond the human disaster, this event today has an impact on the country’s economy!The Quai d’Orsay should review its positioning very soon on the accessibility of Sri Lanka, recently some countries like Switzerland or China have raised their red light and again advises travelers to stay in Sri Lanka.The Atypique Lanka team is available to answer all your questions and reassure you about your stay. The safety of our customers is paramount to us and we sincerely believe that you can travel serenely to Sri Lanka this summer!In the meantime, we have collected many returns from travelers, currently circulating in the country but also expatriates who have experienced the event.